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Therapist in Downpatrick,
Face to Face, Online & via Telephone

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Meta-Psychotherapy is a psychotherapeutic discipline based on Metaphysical Science Practices and Philosophical teaching. As such, the service places great emphasis on the importance of understanding basic Human Psychology and "Universal Consciousness" in equal measure.



Leading psychologists have agreed that the primary cause of neurotic disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social phobia, panic disorder, addictive behaviours and so much more are rooted in our lack of understanding of the concept of Self, our relationship with each other & our environment.


What is Meta-Psychotherapy?

The word psycho simply means Mental or Mind. Meta has the various meanings ascribed to it but the most significant meaning is Encompassing and Transcending.  


Meta-Psychotherapy offers the most effective aspect of other psychological modalities but transcends them all. One of the main reasons Meta-psychotherapy is so effective is because it's concerned with the nature of reality, not beliefs based on faulty diagnostics. 

"The majority of people are unaware of their natural self. The majority are living their lives through their adaptive self (because of this) they will at some point become maladaptive."


 - Dr. Barnardo Kastrup 

Cognitive Scientist, professor Donald Huffman said; "because of our limitation in our interface with Reality, we have to simplify; but if we simplify and simplify we get to a point where we conclude there is nothing there at all. Then we conclude that's the Fundamental Reality.


We mistake the limits of our interface for an insight into the fundamental truth of nature." This is perhaps why as a species we seem to struggle with the most basic and fundamental questions:


Who am I? What am I? Where have I been? and Where am I going? 

Carl Jung who is known as the greatest psychologist of the twentieth century was quoted as saying; “What the East [where metaphysics has long existed as a religious mind philosophy/psychology] knows about the human mind is at least 2000 years ahead of Western psychology.”  

He explored the teachings of metaphysicians who existed throughout the ages, in an attempt to penetrate the deepest layers of the human mind. Using what he learned through Metaphysical teaching Jung went on to radically change the world of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychology.


Jung practised Metaphysics both personally and professionally. 

Doctor Susian Oslavan, is a clinical neurologist specialising in brain disorders. Dr Oslavan spoke at length about the phenomena of the mind-body connection, she said; from a neurological perspective, we trust the mind way too much. We think we have control over our thinking but really we are being altered through the processing of our experiencing of the environment


She stated that;  "75% of patients are being failed by the current medical model because their illness originates from psychological origins."

Unlike some other psychological therapy that only offers relief Meta-psychotherapy offers practical solutions that will change your life permanently.

Benefits ​

You gain more control over emotions in difficult circumstances as opposed to having circumstances control your emotions | Increased ability to recognize opportunities | You have an increased sense of creative potential | Thinking becomes more flexible & adaptable to daily circumstances | Increase in personal magnetism | Improvement in relationships with coworkers, friends, and family | Increased patience | More loving | Increased optimism | A sense of peace and tranquillity never experienced before | The knowledge that you do not have to suffer through life | Increased intuition | On-the-spot inspirations that move your life forward | Increase Positive attitude in reaction to daily life. Better Mental, Emotional & Physical health | More in tune with self, others, and nature | A better sense of self and life purpose | ​Transcendence of limiting beliefs.

If you feel that you could benefit from face-to-face therapy in Downpatrick, online therapy or telephone therapy, contact me today to find out more.

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